

1) зв'язок; система зв'язку; мн. засоби зв'язку

2) повідомлення

3) передавання (напр. даних); система передавання (даних)

4) обмін інформацією

5) взаємодія

to carry out communication — підтримувати зв'язок

to establish communication — установлювати зв'язок

to maintain communication — підтримувати зв'язок

- aerodrome control communication

- air communication

- air distress communication

- air-ground communication

- air-initiated communication

- airline operational communication

- air safety communications

- air-air communication

- air-to-air communication

- air-ground communication

- air-to-ground communication

- beyond-the-horizon communications

- conference communication

- control communication

- digital communication

- distress communication

- double channel communication

- emergency communication

- en-route communication

- flight regularity communication

- ground-air communication

- ground-to-air communication

- ground-ground communication

- ground-to-ground communication

- helicopter-to-ground data communications

- interarea communication

- interplanetary communications

- ionoscatter communications

- ionospheric communications

- non-network communications

- one-way communication

- operational control communication

- point-to-point communication

- printed communications

- pulsed radio communication

- radio communication

- radiotelephony communication

- request/reply communication

- safety communication

- satellite communications

- simplex communication

- single channel communication

- space communication

- transhorizon communication

- troposcatter communication

- two-way communication

- voice communication

- wire communication

- wireless communication

Джерело: Англійсько-український словник авіаційних термінів на