Англо-український словник кінотермінів
Кінословник складається з статей про терміни, визначення і жаргонізми у світовому кінематографі.
- safety stock
- scenario
- scenario writer
- scene
- scenery
- scientific film
- score
- scoring
- scoring stage
- screen
- screen actor
- screen actress
- screen adaptation
- screen image
- screen test
- screen version
- screening
- screening of rushes
- screenplay
- screenwriter
- scrim
- script
- script-girl
- script-writer
- sequence
- serial film
- set
- set construction
- set design
- set designer
- sharp image
- sharpness
- shooting
- shooting angle
- shooting day
- shooting period
- shooting range
- shooting schedule
- shooting script
- short
- short feature
- short-focus lens
- shot
- show
- side light
- silent film
- single picture
- slow motion effect
- soft-focus attachment
- sound
- sound camera p
- sound director
- sound editing
- sound effects
- sound engineer
- sound film
- sound library
- sound mixer
- sound negative
- sound positive
- sound recording
- sound recording studio
- sound reproduction
- sound stage
- sound track
- sound truck
- sound-proof box
- speaker
- spectator
- speed of emulsion
- speeded-up action
- splice
- splicing gauge
- splicing girl
- sponsored film
- spot lamp
- spot light
- sprocket hole
- stage
- stage hand
- stage panel
- stand-in
- standard film
- star
- stereophonic sound track
- still man
- stock
- stock library
- story editor
- story film
- story outline
- strip of film
- studio
- studio management
- studio work
- stunt man
- substandard film stock
- subtitle
- subtitling
- superimposition