Англо-український словник технічних термінів
- tab
- tab spacing
- tab stop
- tab-stop
- tabbing
- tabbing environment
- table
- table argument
- table column
- table entry
- table function
- table look-up
- table look-up instruction
- table lookup
- table of contents
- table of logarithm
- table of multiplication
- table of values of a function
- table row
- table with two entries
- table-driven graphic
- tableau
- tablespace
- tablet
- tablet coordinates input device
- tabletop
- tabular
- tabular data
- tabular differences
- tabular environment
- tabular form
- tabular language
- tabular presentation
- tabular text
- tabulate
- tabulated value
- tabulating
- tabulating machine
- tabulation
- tabulation key
- tabulator
- tachometer
- tacit
- tackle
- tackle the problem
- tacnode
- tacpoint
- tact
- tactical
- tactile
- tactile keyboard
- tag
- tag and drag feature
- tag bit
- tag field
- tag mark
- tag number
- tag system
- tagged
- tagged file
- tail
- tailing blank
- tailless mouse
- tailor
- tailor-made
- tailored
- tailored architecture
- tailored environment
- tailoring
- take
- take a chance
- take a logarithm
- take a root
- take a sample
- take advantage of
- take an expression into another
- take away
- take care of
- take effect
- take for
- take for granted
- take hold of
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take measures
- take notice of
- take off
- take on
- take part
- take place
- take the lead
- take to task
- take up
- takedown operation
- takedown time
- talk
- talk(er) address
- talker
- talking computer
- talking terminal